On a forest green background, a white Michigan State University wordmark logo is to the left of a vertical line. On the other side is white text reading "Extension" and multi-colored capital letters reading "Bookstore"

MSU Extension

142 products

Showing 25 - 48 of 142 products
Cover of the book "Identifying Trees of Michigan". The title is in white lettering encompassed in a forest green background banner. Below the banner, in black and white, are drawings of various insects, tree branches, and fruits with the MSU Extension signature logo on the bottom in green.
Cover of a book titled "Michigan Forest Communities: A Field Guide and Reference". The cover has a green background. On the right side of the cover, four images containing various plants, leaves, and trees sit vertically aligned with one another.
A silver, 8 gigabyte flash drive with the MSU extension signature and website address on the side, both in the spartan green colorway.
A black, leather padfolio with the MSU extension signature engraved on the side.

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